Acronyms and Symbols

e0 vacuum permittivity
er relative dielectric constant
h efficiency
l wavelength
m mobility
v electron drift velocity
vsat saturated electron velocity
t time or lifetime
fb barrier potential
fm metal work function
c electron affinity
2DEG two-dimensional electron gas 
A emitterbase junction or diode area; proportional multiplier
a physical channel depth
ADC analog-to-digital converter
Al aluminum
As arsenic
Au gold
Be beryllium
BER bit error rate
BJT bipolar junction transistor
b(x) effective FET channel depth
C carbon
CAD computer aided design
CAE computer aided engineering
CCS collector-substrate capacitance
CDC drain-channel capacitance
CF total forward biased junction capacitance
Cj junction capacitance; depletion region capacitance
CMOS complimentary metal oxide semiconductor (transistor)
Cr chromium
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion
Cv capacitance of insulating region
dB decibels (dB = 10 log[power])
DBS direct broadcast satellite
Dn electron diffusivity
DNP distance neutral point
Dp hole diffusivity
Ea activation energy
E-B emitterbase
Ec conduction band energy
EDM empirical device model
Ef Fermi energy
Eg bandgap energy
Em breakdown electric field
EOS electrical overstress
ESD electrostatic discharge
Ev valance band energy
eV electron volt
fc forward current cutoff frequency
fcc face centered cubic
FEM finite element method
FET field effect transistor
FIT failure in time 
(1 failure/1 ´ 109 device h)
fmax maximum frequency of oscillation
ft cutoff frequency or frequency where unilateral power gain equals one
f(t) failure rate
g gram
GaAs gallium arsenide
GCR galactic cosmic rays
Ge germanium
GEO geostationary orbit
gm transconductance
GPS Global Positioning System
h hour
HBT heterojunction bipolar transistor
HDI high density interconnect
HEMT high-electron mobility transistor
hfe current gain
I current
ID drain current
IDSS drain-source saturation current
IF intermediate frequency
IMPATT impact ionization avalanche transit time (diode)
In electron injection current
In Indium
IR infrared
J current density
JFET junction field effect transistor
J0 constant depending on doping concentration
K Kelvin
k Boltzman's constant
Ka frequency band (26.540 GHz)
Ku frequency band
L length
LEC Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski
LEO low Earth orbit
LET linear energy transfer
LNA low-noise amplifier
LO local oscillator
LTCC low-temperature cofired ceramic
MBE molecular beam epitaxy
MESFET metal-semiconductor field effect transistor
MIC microwave integrated circuit
MIM metal-insulator-metal (capacitor)
MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit
MOCVD metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
MODFET modulation doped field effect transistor
MTBF mean time between failure
MTTF mean time to failure
n ideality factor
NA acceptor impurity density
NB base doping concentration
ND donor impurity density
Nd donor doping concentration
NE emitter doping concentration
NF noise figure
Ni nickel
NPN n-typep-typen-type (transistor)
n(x) electron density
P(s) probability of success
PBM physically based model
PCS personal communication system
Pd palladium
PHEMT pseudomorphic high-electron mobility transistor
PIN p-typeinsulatorn-type (diode)
PIND particle impact noise detection
PIX polyimide die overcoat
PM parametric monitor
PNP p-typen-typep-type (transistor)
Pout output power
Pt platinum
Q quality factor
q charge of an electron
Qc critical charge
QML Qualified Manufacturers Listing
r rate of a process
Rb base resistance
RD drain resistance
RDS channel resistance between drain and source
RF radio frequency (typically refers to highest frequency in the circuit)
RF total forward biased series resistance
RHA radiation hardness assurance
RIE reactive ion etch
Rj junction resistance
Rohm ohmic contact resistance
RS source resistance
R(t) reliability-the probability of a component surviving to time t
RTG radioisotopic thermoelectric generator
Rv resistance of insulating region
SAA South Atlantic Anomaly
SCR silicon-controlled rectifier
SEB single event burnout
SEC standard evaluation circuit
SEE single event effect
SEGR single event gate rupture
SEL single event latchup
SEM scanning electron microscope
SEU single event upset
Si silicon
SOI silicon on insulator
SOS silicon on sapphire
SPC statistical process control
T absolute temperature in Kelvin
t time or carrier transit time
TCV technology characterization vehicle
TEGFET two-dimensional electron gas field effect transistor
TID total ionizing dose
TRB Technology Review Board
V voltage
Va early voltage
VBE baseemitter voltage
Vbi built-in voltage
VCF potential between conduction band and Fermi level
VCO voltage-controlled oscillators
VD drain bias voltage
VDS potential between drain and source
VG gate bias voltage
VLSI very large scale integration
Vp pinch-off voltage
VT thermal potential
W width
W frequency band (75110 GHz); tungsten
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
X frequency band (812 GHz)
Z gate width; width of channel